Signature in Outlook for Mac
Signature in Outlook for Mac
After using the web form to create your new signature, follow these steps to copy and paste it into Outlook for Mac (Instructions created for Outlook 2016. Steps may vary slightly for other versions.)
- In Outlook, open the message that was sent to you containing your new signature. Be sure to open it in a new window, don't just click on it in the preview pane.
- Highlight your signature.
- Press Command-C to copy it to your clipboard.
- Press Command-, (this is a comma) to open Outlook's Preferences when using Outlook.
- Double-click the Signatures icon.
- If you do not already have a signature created, click the + button to add one. Otherwise, select your current JHU signature from the list on the left.
- Click the "Edit" button.
- Press Command-A to select your entire existing signature.
- Press Command-V to paste your new signature.
- You may make any necessary changes to your signature at this point as long as they comply with MARCOM’s standards. Note you should not make changes here to your e-mail address or URL (if you have one) because that will alter the approved color for these links. If you need to make changes to your e-mail address or URL, please go back to the signature creation web page, make the changes there and send yourself an updated signature. Click the save icon and close the signature editor(the pop-up after clicking edit).
- If you would like to change the name of your signature in the list on the left, you can rename it by double-clicking it or by selecting the signature, clicking edit, and updating the "Signature Name".
- Under Choose default signature: at the bottom select your JHU email account.
- Ensure the Default Signature for your JHU account is the one you just created/edited for New messages: and Replies/forwards.
- Close the Signatures window.