Signature on Android Devices
Signature on Android Devices
The variety of Android devices, each with varying options for accessing email, makes it impossible to create instructions for every possible configuration. Your exact steps may vary slightly on your device.
After using the web form to create your new signature, follow these steps to copy and paste it on an Android phone:
- On your Android phone, open the message that was sent to you containing your new signature.
- Tap and hold your finger on your name in the signature.
- Choose Select All.
- Choose Copy.
- Press the phone’s Menu button (the button next to the Home button, not the Back button)
- Press Settings.
- Press Account settings.
- Press your account in the list (should be your JHU email address).
- Press Signature.
- Tap and hold your finger on your name in the signature box.
- Choose Select All.
- Choose Paste.
- You may make any necessary changes to your signature at this point as long as they comply with MarCom’s standards.
If the steps above do not work (for example, you receive a message that the signature is too long), it is best to use the plain text version of the signature:
- On your Android phone, open the message that was sent to you, then open the attachment named "signature.txt" in your preferred Android text editor.
- Copy the plain text version of the signature. Follow the steps above starting with step #2.