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FAQs For Students


How do I configure Hopkins E-mail on a mobile device?


An access request must first be sent to the SON Help Desk


Please see the Johns Hopkins Enterprise web page for information on using these collaboration tools.

If you have questions or problems, please contact the SON Help Desk.


There two common reasons for this.

  1. (Most common) The instructor has not made the course available to students yet. Typically, this is done about 1 week prior to the first day of class. If you login to SIS and see the course in your list of registered courses, then this reason is most likely.
  2. There may be a billing problem or other issue with your student account. If you registered for courses, but no longer see them in SIS, this may be the reason. Contact the Student Accounts office if you suspect this to be the case.

If neither of the above situations apply, contact the SON Help Desk to report the issue.


FAQs For Faculty or Staff

Note faculty and staff should never connect to JHGuestnet. This may limit your access to certain resources that you will need. Instead, please be sure to connect to the 'hopkins' WiFi network.


How to configure Hopkins E-mail on a mobile device?


  1. Connect the system to the Pulse Secure VPN
  2. Press Ctrl-Alt-Del and choose "Lock this computer"
  3. Press Ctrl-Alt-Del again and enter your current JHED password to unlock the computer
  4. The saved password on your system should now be in sync with the JHED system


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