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To reduce the amount of paper waste, control increasing costs, and provide better printing options to our students, the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing implemented a printing and photocopying control system in May 2013. The entire University utilizes HP for this service.

Print Quotas and Costs

All other schools within Johns Hopkins University also implement controls on student copying and printing. Most do not provide free printing, and the costs range from $.04 to $.10 per page. When we initially implemented our system, we matched the quotas and costs currently offered by the SPH. All SON students (BS, MSN, DNP, PhD) were given a quota of 1000 free black and white prints or photo copies each academic year (June 1 to the following May 31 thereafter). This quota schedule proved to be problematic, given the variety of start and end times of SON programs, and the fact that many of our pre-licensure program students continue on to other graduate programs. For this reason, we implemented a new quota system to better accommodate program start and end times. Annual quotas have increased were increased from 1000 to 1500 prints. However, this quota will be distributed throughout the year. Students will be given a quota of 250 prints ($10) when they are first admitted to the School of Nursing. This free quota will then be reset to 250 prints every two months (on January 1, March 1, May 1, July 1, September 1, and November 1). Any unused free prints will not carry over. Any prints or copies beyond 250 within the two month cycle will be billed to the student's SIS billing account at $.04 per page for black & white and $.07 per page for color.



SON Student Printing/Copying Costs


Free Prints or Copies

1500 (black & white pages) per year,

250 free prints

divided into 250 block grants ($10) every 2 months.

This block grant is reset (replenished) on the first of every ODD numbered month with no carryover



Cost per page (single-sided)

$.04 (black & white pages) and $.07 (color pages) after free quota

Most students do not exceed their quota. The SON will continue to bear most of the cost of student printing and copying. These limits reduce wasteful printing.

Wireless Printing and Release Stations

The printing system has been upgraded and now allows students to print directly from their laptop computers (Mac or Windows) to any student printer in the building. We also now have print release devices at each printer, so that a student knows how much a print job will cost before releasing the job to print. Each device will tell you how much each job costs prior to releasing it to print. You are not charged until the job is actually printed.  Instructions for configuring printing on your personal device can be found here Student Printing Services


We also encourage everyone to continue recycling efforts. Special containers for paper products are located throughout the building. If you have to print, recycle the pages once you have finished using them.


If you have any questions or concerns about this plan, please contact Student Affairs or Michael Vaughn, Assistant Dean for Information and Technology Integration.the SON Help Desk Knowledge Base Home