Versions Compared


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IBM SPSS Statistics is a software product that is commonly used in the social sciences, business and nursing sciences. IBM SPSS Statistics 25 27 is the current version used at the SON. Version upgrades are deployed in the late summer before the fall semester begins.  Students, faculty and staff of the School of Nursing are eligible to use an institutional license and are not required to purchase a personal copy.  However, if you prefer to have your own licensed copy of SPSS that can be run anytime whether you are connected to the Hopkins network or not, IBM offers discounted versions of this software to students. Johns Hopkins University has partnered with Kivuto ( to facilitate easy purchase of a rental license by following the steps outlined at the bottom of this page. Pricing for students is significantly reduced and may be worthwhile for some who want the flexibility to have access anywhere anytime. Contact the ITS help desk for more information. 


titleImportant Information Regarding Data Protection

If you work with any files that contain protected information (PHI or PII), you must take extra steps to ensure the information remains secure.  Essentially the drive where the files are stored must be encrypted and/or have access restrictions.

  1. The safest option is to only store your SPSS data files on your JHU U:\ drive. Please see this KB article for reference
  2. If you choose to store files with protected information on your local computer, then the hard drive in your machine MUST be encrypted.
  3. Another option is to utilize an encrypted external hard drive or flash drive. There are several options for this discussed in this KB article 

If you need help determining which option is best for you, please contact the SON Help Desk.


 The latest supported version is 2527.0.0.0

How to install a School of Nursing Licensed version of SPSS

Install IBM SPSS Statistics for MacOS (Please note this may take a few minutes to complete) 
  1. If you are offsite (i.e. not on Hopkins campus), launch JHPulse and establish a VPN connection
  2. Download installation files to computer from here
    1. SPSS_Statistics_25_mac.dmg
  3. Install IBM SPSS Statistics Client 25.0
    1. Install IBM SPSS Statistics - Essentials for Python = Yes
  4. Run the License Authorization Wizard
    1. Product Authorization = Concurrent user license
    2. License manager name =


Install IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows (Please note this may take a few minutes to complete)
  1. If you are offsite (i.e. not on a Hopkins campus), launch JHPulse and establish a VPN connection
  2. Download installation files to local computer from here
    a. SON IBM SPSS Statistics 25.exe
  3. Install IBM SPSS Statistics Client 25.0
